Labrats is a personal project that explores the story of Charlette Chuu, a rat-girl researcher who picks up a magic artifact on the research site of an ancient city. Said magic artifact is not only able to speak, but magically influence Charlette and the people around her. Charlette's mental fortitude is put to the test as the magical artifact manipulates her life and those closest to her.

Simon Squeakins, Charlette Chuu's fiancé, is a character in Labrats created by Jenny Zhang. We've worked together on this story, please check out Jenny's work!
Over the course of my Individual Studies class in 2021, I decided to make two storyboards starring Charlette Chuu and her fiancé, Simon. In these particular storyboards, there was an emphasis on storytelling via lyrical music, and practicing basic compositions for storyboarding.
Song used: Karma by AJR.
Illustrations & Character Design
These are finished illustrations of Labrats, with a basic character sheet for Charlette. Alongside this are some digital stickers made from my Digital Illustration class.
Conceptual Art
This is conceptual art that's been collected from over the years of Labrats' development.

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